J&J season 2 starts to air
After 3 months of postproduction, J&J Season 2 series started airing on J&J youtube channel!
The videos are amazing, we have 7 videos in both English & Arabic version.
We can't wait to share them all with you.
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Raffaello - The Love story
We recently shot a campaign with Grey Dubai for Raffaello, a Love story for Saudi where the woman needed to pursue the man she loves. To tell a Saudi love story was quite a challenge but we approached it with the idea that the best storytelling & filmmaking often lies in our ability to tell a story in subtext and subtleties. And this approach paid off with more than 1.5Million views on youtube...
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Wrapping J&J season 2 series shoot
We just wrapped the shoot for the 2nd season of J&J series! After the sucess of last year's first season, J&J and UM wanted to produce another series revolving around "for every little wonder" which is J&J's new communication platform and we produced this series around these everyday but very treasurable moments we spend with our children.
This season was directed by the very talented Chadi Younes with the Rachel Aoun as cinematographer.
The babies & results were amazing and we can't wait to share them with you.
J&J blogger series is finally out!
Shooting with babies has never been so fun especially that it's all about creating & celebrating the mess! Gia's make up tips is a 1st video from the blogger mockumenatry series on the how-to videos & the influencer trend featuring the babies as heroes... The latest Olive Tree branded content campaign we developed & scripted is an on-going on-line hit. Stay tuned for more videos, more mess & more fun! You can check it n our facebook page & on our vimeo for higher resolution.
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And we won!
Nana ‪#Livefearless‬ campaign just won two Awards at the Festival of media MENA 2015: GOLD WINNER for Best Social Media Strategy & SILVER WINNER for The Effectiveness Award! Congrats to Zenith media & to the beautiful team that worked hard on the project.
A baby wrap party
We just wrapped a beautiful shoot day with 3 babies, uncovering few of their professional secrets. Must watch mockumentaries that will soon be on-line, so stay tuned!

Our latest Newsletter is out!
Check our latest updates and news in Olive Tree's latest newsletter.
Click here for September's 2015 Newsletter.
It's a wrap for Nana Live Fearless!
We just finished the shoot in Nana #LiveFearless web show‘s last destination: Botswana! It was a thrilling adventure in the heart of Africa’s Kalahari desert. The videos will highlight the journey of the winners who participated and won the competition Nana launched with the videos we produced earlier in Iceland & Tokyo. Travel, fun & besties on a #LiveFearless adventure are still at the heart of the show. Stay tuned to see the result!
To watch the full episodes vimeopro.com/olivetreeproductions/nana-live-fearless